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NIH K99DA046563 (E. Stevens)
Project Title: Young adults’ responses to e-cigarette advertisement features and the effect of restricting features on tobacco use

Total Cost: $941,812

Role: Principal Investigator

Children’s Hospital Foundation Fellows Research Award, The University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Department of Pediatrics, Oklahoma City, OK

(E. Stevens)

Project Title: Young adults’ responses to e-cigarette advertisement features

Total Cost: $10,000

Role: Principal Investigator

Society for Nicotine and Tobacco Travel Scholarship Recipient. Funding of $1000, New Orleans, LA, 2020.

Annual Cancer Research Symposium. Stephenson Cancer Center Top Poster Award for “JUUL users’ perceptions of harm and descriptions of the product.” Oklahoma City, OK, 2019.

Annual Cancer Research Symposium. Stephenson Cancer Center Top Poster Award for “Thinking Through Risk Communication: The Impact of Need for Cognition and Message Emotionality and Framing on Risk Perceptions, Knowledge, and Behavioral Expectations.” Oklahoma City, OK, 2018.

Health Disparities Network Travel Scholarship Recipient. Society for Nicotine and Tobacco. Baltimore, MD, 2018.

Annual Cancer Research Symposium. Stephenson Cancer Center Top Poster Award for “The effectiveness of a tailored, real time smartphone intervention for reducing smoking lapse risk.” Oklahoma City, OK, 2017.

Entertainment Studies Interest Group Top Student Paper Award with Kyla P. Garrett entitled, "GIRLS and sex: A content analysis of sexual health depictions in HBO's GIRLS." Funding for annual conference registration. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. 2015.


Mass Communication and Society Research Grant with Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier entitled, “Sexual risk and responsibility: Where it fits in the mental models of sex and romance.” Funding for three studies. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. 2014. Received $10,000. 


Stevens, E. M., Hébert, E., Keller-Hamilton, B., Frank-Pearce, S. G., Tackett, A. P., Leshner, G., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). Associations between exposure to The Real Cost campaign, pro-tobacco advertisements, and tobacco use among youth in the United States. American Journal of Preventative Medicine.


Villanti, A. C., LePine, S. E., West, J. C., Boley Cruz, T., Pearson, J. L., Stevens, E. M., Tetreault, H. J., Unger, J. B., Wackowski, O. A., & Mays, D. (In press). Identifying message content to reduce vaping: Results from online message testing trials in U.S. young adults. Addictive Behaviors.


Phan, L., Villanti, A. C., Leshner, G., Wagener, T. L., Stevens, E. M., Johnson, A. C., & Mays, D. (In press). Development and pretesting of hookah tobacco public education messages for young adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.


Tackett, A. P., Keller-Hamilton, B., Hébert, E. T., Smith, C.E., Stevens, E. M., Wallace, S. M., Johnson, A. L., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). Susceptibility to e-cigarette use among youth in the United States: An update from the 2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey. American Journal of Health Promotion.


Tackett, A. P., Keller-Hamilton, B., Smith, C. E., Hébert, E. T., Metcalf, J. P, Queimado, L., Stevens, E. M., Wallace, S., McQuaid, E. L. & Wagener, T. L. (2020). Evaluation of respiratory symptoms among youth e-cigarette users. JAMA Network Open, 3(10), e2020671.

Stevens, E. M., Hébert, E. T., Tackett, A. P., Leavens, E. L. S., & Wagener. T. L. (In press). Harm Perceptions of the JUUL E-Cigarette in a Sample of Ever Users. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Tackett, A. P., Hébert, E. T., Stevens, E. M., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). E-cigarette regulation: A delicate balance for public health. Addiction.

Stevens, E. M., Johnson, A. L., Leshner, G., Sun, F., Kim, S., Leavens, E. L. S., Tackett, A. P., Hébert, E.T., & Wagener, T. L. (2020). People in e-cigarette ads attract more attention: An eye-tracking study. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 6(2), 105-117.

Leavens, E. L. S., Stevens, E. M., Brett, E.I., Leffingwell, T. R., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). JUUL in school:  JUUL electronic cigarette use patterns, reasons for use, and social normative perceptions among college student ever users. Addictive Behaviors.

Stevens, E. M., Vidrine, D. J., Hoover, D. S., Wetter, D. W., Frank, S. G., Nguyen, N., Li, Y., Waters, A. J., Meade, C. D., Wagener, T. L. & Vidrine, J. I. (In press). Enhancing smoking risk communications: The influence of need for cognition. American Journal of Health Behavior.

Stevens, E. M., Cohn, A. M., Villanti, A. C., Leshner, G., Wedel, A. & Wagener, T. L. (In press). Perceived effectiveness of anti-marijuana messages in adult users and non-users: An examination of responses to messages about marijuana’s effects on cognitive performance, driving, and health. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

Frank, D., Stevens, E. M., & Versace, F. (In press). A neurophysiological measure of reward sensitivity and its limited association with anhedonia in adolescents and young adults. International Journal of Psychophysiology.

Leavens, E. L. S., Stevens, E. M., Brett, E. I., Hébert, E., Villanti, A., Pearson, J., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). JUUL electronic cigarette use patterns, other tobacco product use, and reasons for use among ever users: Results from a convenience sample. Addictive Behaviors.

Stevens, E. M., Frank, D., Codispoti, M., Cinciripini, P. M., Claiborne, K., Deweese, M. M., Engelmann, J. M., Green, C. E., Karam-Hage, M., Minnix, J. A., Ng, J. A., Robinson, J. D., Tyndale, R. F., Vidrine, D. J., Versace, F. (In press). The late positive potentials evoked by cigarette-related and emotional images show no gender differences in smokers. Scientific Reports.

Stevens, E. M., Kim, S., Leshner, G., Leavens, E. L., Vidrine, J. I., Frank-Pearce, S. G., Hale, J. J., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). The attitudinal and motivational effects of anti-waterpipe messages. American Journal of Health Behavior.

Leavens, E. L. S., Stevens, E. M., Brett, E. I., Molina, N., Leffingwell, T. R., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). Use of rideshare services to increase participant recruitment and retention in research. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Stevens, E. M. & McIntyre, K. (In press). The layers of The Onion: The impact of satirical news on affect and online sharing behaviors. Electronic News.

Wedel, A. V., Stevens, E. M., Molina, N., Leavens, E. L. S., Roberts, C., Wagener, T. L. (In press). Examining pregnant smokers’ attitudes toward cessation aids and electronic nicotine delivery systems. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Board, 111(8), 812-218.

Leavens, E. L. S., Lechner, W. V., Stevens, E. M., Miller, M. B., Meier, E., Brett, E. I., Moisiuc, A., Hale, J. J., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). Electronic cigarette and combustible cigarette use following a campus-wide ban: Prevalence of use and harm perceptions. Journal of American College Health.

Leavens, E. L., Meier, E., Brett, E. I., Stevens, E. M., Tackett, A. P., Villanti, A. C., & Wagener, T. L. (In press). Polytobacco use and risk perceptions among young adults: The potential role of habituation to risk. Addictive Behaviors.

Versace, F., Frank, D. W., Stevens, E. M., Deweese, M. M., Guindani, M., Schemebre, S. M. (In press). The reality of “food porn”: Larger brain responses to food-related cues than to erotic images predict cue-induced eating. Psychophysiology.

Matheny, J. D., Stevens, E. M., Chen, S. (In press). The RICO verdict and corrective statements: Catalysts for policy change? Tobacco Regulatory Science.

Brett, E. I., Stevens, E. M., Wagener, T. L., Leavens, E. L. S., Morgan, T. L., Cotton, W. W., & Hébert, E. T. (In press). A content analysis of JUUL discussions on social media: Using Reddit to understand patterns and perceptions of JUUL use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Francis, D. B., Stevens, E. M., Noar, S. M., & Widman, L. (In press). Public Reactions to and Impact of Celebrity Health Announcements: Understanding the Charlie Sheen Effect. The Howard Journal of Communications.

Versace, F., Stevens, E. M., Robinson, J. D., Deweese, M. M., Engelmann, J. M., Green, C. E., Karam-Hage, M. Lam, C. Y., Minnix, J. A., Wetter, D. W., Cinciripini, P. M. (2019). Brain responses to cigarette-related and emotional images in smokers during smoking cessation: No effect of varenicline or buproprion on the late positive potential. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 21(2), 234-240.

Hébert, E. T., Stevens, E. M., Frank, S. G., Kendzor, D. E., Wetter, D. W., Zvolensky, M. J., Buckner, J. D. Businelle, M. S. (2018). An ecological momentary intervention for smoking cessation: The associations of just-in-time, tailored messages with lapse risk factors. Addictive Behaviors, 78, 30-35.

Dillman Carpentier, F. R. & Stevens, E. M. (2018). Sex in the media, sex on the mind: Linking television use, sexual permissiveness, and sexual Concept accessibility in memory. Sexuality & Culture, 22(1), 22-38.

Dillman Carpentier, F. R., Stevens, E. M., Wu, L, Seely, N. (2017). Sex, love, and risk-n-responsibility: A content analysis of entertainment television. Mass Communication and Society, 20(5), 686-709.  

Stevens, E. M. & Garrett, K. P. (2016). Girls and sex: A content analysis of sexual health depictions in HBO’s Girls. Sexuality & Culture, 21(2), 923-935.

Stevens, E. M. (2018). What’s so appealing? An examination of emotional appeals and viewer engagement in safe sex PSAs and condom advertisements. Health Marketing Quarterly, 35(3), 18-31.

Hoewe, J., Appleman, A., & Stevens, E. M. (2017). Mr. Mom in the news: The relationship between stereotypes and perceptions of gendered news stories. Communication Research Reports, 34(1), 11-20.

Stevens, E. M. & Gibson, R. (2017). An examination of mastery- and performance-based orientations in strategic communication syllabi and suggestions for rhetorical and pedagogical improvement. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 28(2), 61-79.

Stevens, E. M. & Dillman Carpentier, F. R. (2017). Facing our feelings: How natural coping tendencies explain when hedonic motivation predicts media use. Communication Research, 44(1), 1552-3810.

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